
UGVM vs BETEO - Round 4 FIGHT inc Results

4th round with 4 players left on each team will be the same again 1 vs 1 with 1 point being awarded to the winning team. Same again 2 players on each team will go out, losers will go out first & any winners with the lowest score if needed.

The first player in the match will start the game against the other player - in the chat window can you also announce that this is a tournament game so the opposing player is aware.

jochta vs AlarmBee - UGVM Win 428 vs 386
Curiosity vs Xexyzx - BETEO Win 349 - 342
HarpingOn vs alanjoans - UGVM Win 371 vs 366
GillyMc vs thermalsatsuma - UGVM Win 342 vs 394

UGVM - 19 Points
BETEO - 9 Points

Through to the next round from UGVM is Jochta & thermalsatsuma, sorry Gazza even though you won the match you have the lowest winning score of 371.

From BETEO we have Curiosity & AlarmBee who is the highest scoring loser.

Round 5 draw coming up soon

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