I'm still gaming, since my last post I've completed The Division (the claptrap boys PMG game that has taken us an age to complete), Assassins Creed Origins (an excellent return to form for the ubisoft series), Telltale Batman (the telltale engine is really showing its age lots of technical issues & crashes but hey it's Batman) & Dragonball Z Dokkan Battle (I had completed the main campaign & started to focus on the events to upgrade my deck but my ipad decided to die on me & unfortunately there is no cloud save feature with DBZ & I have lost my progress. Lesson learnt I will not play any iOS game that does not have a proper save feature be it local or icloud).
I have just completed Mad Max this weekend which was good fun, I really enjoyed the bleak open world with the convoy missions being a particular favourite. Next is Ni No Kuni 2 where I have played a few hours, gone is the turned based combat in favour of a more free-roaming affair. It is gorgeous in 4K with it's Ghibli inspired art style.
Until the next update enjoy your gaming.