Started Dragon Quest Builders this week, it's a J-RPG heavily influenced by Minecraft, mining for resources & then building from those or crafting them into new items. The quest like structure gives the game a purpose & keeps you moving forward to ultimately battle the evil dragon lord.
I completed Deus Ex Mankind Divided which ends with a to be continued plot line so I fully expect to see another game next year using the same engine. I enjoyed visiting some of the locations especially the Complex, did not really try out much of the new skills apart from remote hacking which was very useful. Don't have the time for a New Game+ playthrough so it's completed.
On No Man's Sky I completed the Atlas Path which rewards you with nothing noteworthy & decided to just watch a YouTube video on the journey to the centre. I feel a bit let down by Hello Games on their lack of communication on what they plan to do with the game if anything so for now I am done.

I managed to get a legendary Sparky card on Clash Royale from a free chest !
It's very good you need to let it charge up but it does some serious damage when it attacks.
Next need to save up another 8000 coins to upgrade my bomber to level 10 & then focus on the giant.
Not buying anymore PS4 games on release this year (famous last words) will enjoy Dragon Quest Builders, X-Com 2 (which Abbas has taken with him for now) & the many digital games I own like Telltale Borderlands & the others I can't remember.
No PMG this week but I do really need to get back to playing some Lego Star Wars & Destiny.