
Weekly Update - Back to gaming

Managed to finally play some video games, a fair bit of Deus Ex Mankind Divided completing quite a few of the main quests. I think I may even be near the end currently in London trying to stop another terrorist attack. I had a conversation with Abbas during the week about the game & he said it was more of the same. The developers have played it safe with the game & the story-line does not seem that big compared to the first game but the gameplay is excellent. I can now use the new abilities & remote hacking is very useful. Should hopefully have the game finished this week in time for Dragon Quest Builders or XCom 2.

Claptrap boys finally completed Diablo 3, yeah it's crap I did not enjoy it. We started The Division yesterday completing the first few missions & making it to the main base. It's not bad much more enjoyable than Diablo 3, the inventory management can be a bit of a challenge with modding etc

Clash Royale I finally have 800 archers to upgrade her to level 10, managed to save up 8K to upgrade her this morning. Hopefully this will be the push I need to get into the next arena.

Frustrating how every player now has one or more legendary cards which are way more powerful and ruins the game.

Finished with Capitals hardly anyone is playing it now so after 291 games I'm done.

It's been a fun game but I can't start any new games with anyone because the game crashes.

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