There are 4 leagues (Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze) of 4 players each with the winning player getting promoted & the worst getting demoted to a lower league.
Points are awarded 4 for 1st down to 1 point for last.
The 4 chosen tracks are Jump Start, Sprint, RC Raceway & Under a Big W
The first player in the league will start the first track Jump Start & invite player 2, 3 & 4 in order.
Then Player 2 will start the next race on Sprint & invite player 3, 4 & then 1.
Player 3 will start RC Raceway & invite Player 4, 1 & 2 in that order.
Lastly Player 4 will start Under a Big W & invite in order Player 1, 2 & 3.
Player 1 will wait to play his turn until all 4 races have started & are awaiting his/her turn to play. This will ensure when you come to play your turn you will have all 4 races waiting for you to play.
Any questions please ask me before starting your race.
Platinum League
Lufferov (Promoted from Gold) (13 Points)
HaggisHunter (7 Points)
Hakk (8 Points)
Jochta (Promoted from Gold) (12 Points)
Sprint - Luffers, Hakk, Jochta & Haggis
RC Raceway - Luffers, Jochta, Haggis & Hakk
Under a Big W - Luffers, Jochta, Haggis & Hakk
Jump Start - Jochta, Hakk, Haggis & Luffers
Lufferov wins the group by a single point & HaggisHunter gets relegated
Gold League
gospvg (Promoted from Silver) (12 Points)
Xexyzx (10 Points)
carldjcross (Relegated from Platinum) (8 Points)
becs (Promoted from Silver) (9 Points)
Sprint - Carl, Xexyzx, gospvg & becs
RC Raceway - becs, xexyzx, gospvg & Carl
Jump Start - gospvg, xexyzx, carl & becs
Under a Big W - gospvg, becs, xexyzx & Carl
I get promoted & Carl drops down a league
Silver League
thermalsatsuma (Promoted from Bronze) (12 Points)
HarpingOn (Relegated from Gold) (11 Points)
Sessile (4 Points)
fluffmyster (Promoted from Bronze) (13 Points)
Sprint - Fluffmyster, Gazza, Satsuma & Sessile
Big W - Fluffmyster, Satsuma, Gazza & Sessile
Jump Start - Satsuma, Fluffmyster, Gazza & Sessile
RC Raceway - Gazza, Satsuma, Fluffmyster & Sessile
Fluffmyster gets promoted & Sessile relegated
Bronze League
actionabbas (Relegated from Silver) (8 Points)
GusTavToo (11 Points)
monstermohsin (7 Points)
SomethingWitty (New Challenger) (14 Points)
Sprint - Gus, Witty, Abbas & Mo
Jump Start - Abbas, Witty, Gus & Mo
RC Raceway - Witty, Mo, Gus & Abbas
Big W - Witty, Gus, Mo & Abbas
The new challenger Witty get's promoted
Good luck to all & let me know the results via email, ugvm or twitter
All finished for Season 2, a little break & then I'll be back for SEASON 3 !!
All finished for Season 2, a little break & then I'll be back for SEASON 3 !!
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