
Tiny Tower - UGVM tower

I give you UGVM Tower, unfortunately you cannot get one image of the whole tower so I had to use the Windows 7 snipping tool to take images.

I have still have many UGVM peeps to add to the tower so do not be upset if you do not have a business or a dwelling in he tower yet. If you have any preference for a business type then let me know example when I have built a theatre then Luffers will vacate the cinema to take over this business.

The link below should take you to the tower.


  1. What a work of art! Intrigued at how I got to be Sessile Ranch, but I'll be installing buffalo horns throughout the house immediately!

  2. The decor in your dwelling made me decide on the ranch name :)

  3. It was also pot luck on your residential slot or short straw :)
