

Dragon Quest Builders 2 - GOTY!

So much fun, lots of quality of life improvements over the first game make it a joy to play.


Completed - Mafia 3 (PS4)

Not posted in a while, I'm still gaming & completing lots of games!

Just look at this list! 36 Games completed! I have been forgetting to add mobile games that I have played in the past.


Mafia 3 finished this weekend, driving is real fun in this gmae & it has no fast travels points which I liked. Set in the 1960s with racial tensions & gang violence you play as Lincoln Clay who returns from a tour in Vietnam to the city of New Bordeaux.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is out soon so I will be spending a lot of time on that otherwsie it is a lot of Fifa 19 with a little bit of Horzion Turbo Chase & Infamous Second Son.


The Sparta Kick!

One of the most fun abilities in video games, I give you the Sparta Kick!
That satisfaction when looking at your foe fall to their doom.