
Goodbye to a friend

My writing skills & grammar are not as good as the other blogs you may read but this is my attempt of saying goodbye to a friend.

I have know Owen Allaway (thatrevchap) for the best part of 10 years now, posting via usenet to uk.games.video groups & lately via twitter his passion for gaming, his kindness to others & his love for the Hat. It was because of Owen that I got an iOS device, his knowledge I valued and trusted on what game to download. It was because of the iOS device that I got to experience playing with Owen on Carcassonne & Words with Friends. He loved a good challenge & I remember the fun banter when playing.

His last tweet read "Oh fucking hell. Just needed two minutes to get my breath back after walking up the fucking stairs. This is really bloody annoying" and then a day later he was gone. Owen Allaway's time on this earth had come to an end.

Only a day earlier I was joking with him "@thatrevchap I blame you !! Reading your tweets has made I'll I'm sneezing and sniffing now :( "

On the morning of the 13th I sent this before going to work "@thatrevchap I'm better this morning I was asleep by 9 all dosed up, feel better now. Get well soon" .. later that day he had a heart attack and passed away :(

I do have a regret of not meeting him in person & only meeting/chatting & playing with him virtually but I am proud to say Owen I am glad I have known you & you have left a lasting impression on me.

I have copied and pasted his 100 Best Games from his blog, so pick one you have not played & give it a go for Owen. Then do the same every year on the 13th October in his honour....

Miss you big guy

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Owen's mum here. The tributes mean so, so much to us, more than you will ever realise. Thanks to all of you out there.

    (By the way, the post mortem confirmed Owen died of a deep vein thrombosis/ pulmonary embolism, not a heart attack as first thought.)
