
'Meeple' Carcassonne Tournament - Round 2

Finally we make it onto round 2, I will first need to check with all the players below to ensure they are still willing to take part in the tournament.

Ok all confirmed, 2nd Round will be split into equal groups (depending on number of players) and there will be vs matches & a group match - the winners of these groups will go to the final

2 points for vs match win
3 points for group match win, 2 points for coming 2nd & 1 point for 3rd.

Table A
Group Match
Synozeer (9 points) - can you start off the group match & invite the other players please
phorce (2 points)
Bensm (1 point)

Individual matches
Make sure you all start an individual match against the other 3 players in your group.

Synozeer 89 vs Bensm 66
Synozeer 114 vs ph0rce 106
Synozeer 114 vs Altashheth 73
Group Match - Synozeer 100, phorce 74, bensm 70 & Altashheth 59
Synozeer has won all of his matches so he is into the final 

Table B
Group Match
Bushtopher (RLLMUK) (8 points) - can you start off the group match & invite the other players please
Lufferov (UGVM) (3 points)
Kerumba (RLLMUK) (2 Points)
VeganTnT (TA) (3 Points)

Individual matches
Make sure you all have an individual match against the other 3 players in your group.

Bushtopher 120 vs Lufferov104
Lufferov 84 vs VeganTnT 69
Bushtopher 112 vs VeganTnT 78
Kerumba 115 vs Lufferov 101
Group Match 82 VeganTnt, 51 Bushtopher, 48 Lufferov & 31 kerumba
Bushtopher 105 vs Kerumba 90

Currently Running
Kerumba vs VeganTnT - Result does not matter.

Because Bushtopher has made it into the Final

It does not matter who starts the game but you should end up with 4 games to play 1 group match & 3 single player vs match

If you can contact via PM on TA/RLLMUK or Twitter on the results please, good luck.